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Sonoma Biochar Initiative (SBI) Membership:
SBI is a grass-roots, home-grown organization that is dedicated to making a difference in our local communities, forests and farm systems. We are looking for people to join us who are passionate about making positive impacts in our world, who love collaborating and learning about how to make an impact on some of the most pressing issues of our day, and who want to help us spread the word about biochar and its many positive attributes.

We are action-oriented and want to spend our time doing, not just talking. If you have skills and interests that you would like to add to our initiative, please come to one of our community meetings. We have many great ideas and ways for you to plug in. Or, email us with your ideas if you prefer. We would love to hear from you. Our small and dedicated group is poised for a big expansion in both our membership and activities this year, and you can help us by adding your insights and energy to our team.

We currently have 4 membership/donor categories:

Student/Senior: $25

Individual: $45

Business/Organization: $100

Biochar Visionary: $250

We are a project of the Sonoma Ecology Center, a 501c3 non-profit organization, and your membership/donation is tax deductible. Simply mail a check made out to Sonoma Ecology Center to: P.O. Box 1486 Eldridge, CA 95431 Please put “SBI” in the notes, and include your name, organization name (if applicable), mailing address, email address, phone number, your website address, and the membership category. If you are a Student please include a copy of your current student ID; seniors are age 65 and above. Membership benefits include our Digital newsletter and a listing as a supporter with a link to your website if requested.

New Members: 

Thank you for Supporting us:

Muriel Strand, Ecological Engineer, Sacramento 

Barbara George, Marin County